Seal Online : Armos & Weapons Sales!

Greetings, Shiltzians!

What better occasion to wear splendid armors than this weekend?
Only you will decide the most suitable fit!

Start: 08/10
End: 08/13 23:59 PDT

Our activities are:
* Weekend Boost (EXP & DROP)
* Extra Event: How to participate:
Upload a photo of the item you'd like to refine to .DG, and tell us why is the one for you to be refined. A DG Refinement Ticket will be raffled!
* Wish Event & Raffle
* RPs Spent
* Ranael Equipment
* Einhorn Equipment
* Samael & Ranael Sales
*Not to be confused with Gin: Samael
* Discount Items (UP to 90% OFF)
* Limited Sales
* Seal Blessing

Love Seal!
Seal B.O.D. Team^^

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