Rohan : Eternal Vengeance - Royal Sword Seaon 46

Greetings Rohanians!
We have prepared unique rewards and some of the most wanted items for the upcoming season!

Welcome to... *Royal Sword Season 46*

* Royal Sword Season 46 Rewards*

- General Wish Ticket x 1
- Advanced Seal Upgrate Stone x 50
- Hero's Enhancement Stone x 10
- Enhancement Stone of Transcedental Growth x 10
- Origin of Transcendence (+15 Confirm Stat)x2
- Bundle of 10 Victory Medals (tradeable) x1
- Transcendence Talisman Token Box x1
- Deep Sea Water Box x1
- Blessing of Deep Sea Scroll x1
- Scroll with Elemental Properties (IM) x1

Best regards,

-R.O.H.A.N.: Eternal Vengeance-
Vengeance Never Ends

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