King of Avalon : 20.8.0. Update for 2025

20.8.0 Update Announcement

What's New:

1. Wind Elemental Heroes enter the battlefield!
Garrison Hero: Wind Elemental Garrison Hero—Aelyrius.
Combat Hero: Wind Elemental Infantry Combat Hero—Vierra, Wind Elemental Cavalry Combat Hero—Elaris, Wind Elemental Bowmen Combat Hero—Lorien.
Deploy the following three Wind Elemental Combat Heroes—Vierra, Elaris and Lorien—at the same time to activate the unique bond skill ""Elven Tempest""!

2. Introduces new research to the Element Mastery such as Element Surging II, Element Master II, and Kinship Lock II to increase the damage effects brought by Element Rating!

When the new version is available, you can download it from app stores to experience the new content! Please note that update release time varies between app stores in different countries/regions, therefore some users may not see the update until later. Thank you for your patience!

See you on the battlefield!

The Council of Avalon

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©Gocash Gamecard 2025